Japan Education Pathways

Application Period
​Application for Spring 2025 Admission is now closed. Please check back for information on future recruitment sessions.
What is Japan Education Pathways?
Japan Education Pathways (JEP) is a program for admitting students impacted by conflict to universities in Japan. JEP evolved from the Japan Ukraine University Pathways (JUUP) program, which was launched in 2022 to support students from Ukraine. Several institutions who participated in the JUUP program have pledged to continue to support refugee students through the JEP program.
In spring 2025, the following universities will admit new students and provide scholarships. Eligibility requirements and terms of support are different for each university, so please check the information on each university's page. Please note that for this recruitment cycle, all universities are only recruiting students who are already living in Japan.
There is one application for all universities. You do not need to submit separate applications to each.
*To apply for the non-degree program at Waseda University, you must submit an additional application to the Center for Japanese Language (CJL) between October 1 and October 8, 2024 (16:00). Please note that the application deadline for the CJL is earlier than the deadline for Japan Education Pathways. Click on the above link for more information.
*International Christian University has a separate application with a deadline of October 1, 2024. Click on the link for more information.
Application will be open for two weeks from September 20, 2024 on this page. There is no fee to apply.
September 20~October 11, 2024: Application open
Late October~ Early November, 2024: First interview (Only short-listed candidates)
Late November, 2024: Second interview (Only short-listed candidates)
December 3, 2024: Announcement of results
Note About Applying Simultaneously to Other Scholarships
Please note that any applicant who is recommended for 2025 admission to an institution in UNHCR's Refugee Higher Education Programme (RHEP), International Christian University's Education Pathways Scholarship, or JELA's Refugee Vocational Education Programme (RVEP) will not be considered for JEP.

Recruitment Figures
For recruitment figures prior to 2025, please refer to the Japan-Ukraine University Pathways page.
1 at Bunkyo Gakuin University, 3 at Ryukoku University, 1 at Tokiwa University, 5 at Waseda University